Pre-Departure Briefing 2016 Semester II intake

A Pre-Departure Briefing (PDB) for the 2016 Semester II intake was conducted on 29-30 April at the Australia Awards Mongolia conference room and attended by 20 awardees and 15 family members.The PDB was opened by Mr Shayne McKenna, First Secretary (Political) from Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Mongolia and Ms Tsevegjav. S,…

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Reintegration Workshop

Reintegration workshop 2016 was conducted on 6 April at the Australia Awards Mongolia conference room and attended by 18 alumni. The workshop was opened by Zoljargal. N, Development Officer from the Australian Embassy in Mongolia. She congratulated the alumni on their achievement s in successfully completing their studies in Australia. She emphasized the importance of…

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Women's Leadership Program Cohort 2

The second Women’s Leadership Program (WLP) commenced in December 2015 with 20 participants selected from talented graduates of the Australia Awards Mongolia (AAM). The WLP is a sub-component of the AAM program. It is designed to improve alumni’s leadership skills and to enhance professional development after completing an Australia Award. The WLP provides a comprehensive…

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Welcome Back Event for Australia Awards Alumni

A Welcome Back Event was held on 10 March 2016 for recent Australia Awards graduates. The event was attended by representatives from the Governments of Australia and Mongolia, employers and alumni from the 2015 2nd intake. His Excellency Mr. John Langtry, Australian Ambassador to Mongolia and Mr Gantsogt, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance made opening…

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Opening of English Language Training

The Australia Awards Mongolia English language training courses, funded by the Australian Government, were launched at Santis Educational Services on 29 February. The courses will assist 34 selected awardees to improve their English language proficiency to meet entry requirement into their Australian universities. The launch was attended by His Excellency, John Langtry, Ambassador of Australia…

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Empowering Teenage Mothers in Dornod Province, Mongolia

The Princess Center for protecting girls and young women’s rights, empowers those dealing with complicated social problems through services such as counseling, vocational skills training, support group activities and community events. The Princess Center builds the capacity of its beneficiaries through Young Mothers’ Club activities – a participatory club of teenage mothers up to 20…

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Tracer Survey of Scholarship Alumni

Scholarships offered by the Australian government aim to develop the skills and knowledge of selected Mongolian citizens so they can drive change and contribute to development in Mongolia. DFAT and the Australia Awards team in Mongolia want to learn more about the experiences of graduates once they return home. In particular, we are keen to…

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