A Welcome Back event was held in September with graduates who completed their Master’s degrees at Australian universities in 2017 1st semester. Thirteen graduates attended together with their employers’ representatives from Mongolian University of Science and Technology and MCS International private company. Mr. John Langtry, His Excellency, Australian Ambassador to Mongolia, Mr. Duncan McCullough, Policy…

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Australia Awards Alumnus Visited AAM office with her Students

This year some lyceum students from the School of Technology in Darkhan successfully applied for the Student for Service project competition conducted by the USA Embassy in Mongolia. As headmaster and English teacher, I and my counterpart, Morgan, coordinated the project. Firstly, we took an idea from the television program “Mongolia’s Got Talent” where a…

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Women's Leadership Program 2017 Newsletter – 3

On Friday 2 June 2017, eighteen inspiring women leaders graduated from this year’s Women’s Leadership Program (WLP). In a ceremony at Monet Restaurant, the participants were acknowledged by His Excellency John Langtry, Australia’s Ambassador to Mongolia, for their efforts and contribution to this year’s program, and their high-quality community development projects. For the past eight…

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Welcome Back Event

A Welcome Back event was organized for graduates who completed their Master’s degrees at Australian universities in 2016. Fourteen graduates attended together with an employer representative from the Civil Aviation Authority. Representatives from the Governments of Australia and Mongolia congratulated the graduates and wished them success in their future work in contributing to development of…

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Women's Leadership Program - Networking Event

Community Development Project A unique feature of the WLP is its community development projects designed and implemented by program participants. These projects complement participants’ learning experiences by providing opportunities for them to practice newly-acquired leadership skills and at the same time contribute to development in their communities. Since the WLP launch in October 2016, four…

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Pre-Departure Briefing, Intake 1, 2017

A Pre-Departure Briefing (PDB) for Intake 1, 2017 was conducted on 25-26 November 2016 at the Australia Awards Mongolia (AAM) conference room and attended by 30 awardees and 20 family members. Ms Tsetsgee Yundendorj, Country Manager, AAM congratulated e awardees on their success on behalf of AAM team. She explained this intake was largest number…

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Women’s Leadership Program Launch

Orientation Retreat- Participants, Facilitators and His Excellency Ambassador John Langtry The third Women’s Leadership Program (WLP) commenced 14 October 2016, with 20 men and women selected from the talented graduates of the Australia Awards Mongolia Program (AAM) who applied. The WLP is a sub-component of the AAM and has over 40 alumni. It is designed…

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Welcome Back Event

A Welcome Back event was held on 14 September, 2016 for graduates who completed their postgraduate studies in the first half of 2016. One of the 24 graduates completed a PhD, researching primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in Mongolia. The other graduates completed Master’s courses, specializing in Commerce, International Business, Public Health, Environmental…

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