Welcome Back Ceremony for Recent Graduates
Нийтэлсэн: 2014-02-1
A Ceremony was organized on October 15, 2013, to welcome the most recent graduates who completed Master degree courses at Australian Universities in June- July, 2013. The event provided opportunities for them to share their newly-acquired knowledge and experiences from overseas and to help them network with Australia Awards alumni, Mongolian Australian Association (Mozzies), other organizations and employers. Over 40 guests representing high levels of the Australian and Mongolian Government, Mongolian employers, Mozzies and the graduates participated in the Ceremony.
Mr Tony Burchill, Trade Commissioner/Council General, Australian Trade Commission to Mongolia opened the Ceremony and welcomed and congratulated the graduates on successfully completing their postgraduate studies. He highlighted the importance of courses in areas such as environmental management, mining, research and finance because of their relevance to current development priorities. Following Tony’s speech, Mr Sainbileg, Chairman of the Program Coordinating Committee (PCC) and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Secretariat Office of Mongolia, congratulated the graduates for successfully completing Master’s degrees and returning to the country. He said the PCC would be pleased to support the graduates during their re-integration into the workplace, especially in applying their new knowledge and information to contribute to the respective sectors, organizations and national levels of development.
Mr Enkhbold, Mozzies president, MP congratulated the graduates and briefed them on the benefits of the Program in improving human resource development, particularly in the public sector through scholarships and networking between the two countries. He briefly introduced participants to Mozzies’ activities, benefits and support. He explained how membership of the Mozzies, would open opportunities to build relationships with Australian companies, each other, other people and organizations, to support and help each other and to work together in important areas in the community. Ms Ariunaa, CEO Mozzies, also talked about the activities of Mozzies and encouraged graduates to join the alumni to contribute to and benefit from Mozzies.
Ms Tserennadmid, a recent graduate shared the benefits and knowledge from her studies and her life experiences in Australia. She learnt a lot about management and entrepreneurship which are important areas in Mongolia. She collected materials and conducted research into kindergarten policies; the area in which she worked in the Ministry of Education before receiving her scholarship. She saw a need to make changes in the education sector, especially in evaluation methodologies and quality assessment of pre-schooling policy and programs.
During the Ceremony graduates discussed and exchanged information on their courses, experiences and possibilities to improve skills while they were in Australia. The Reintegration Strategy and Graduate Action Plan was shared with graduates for them to use to develop their own plans to contribute to national development by applying the knowledge and skills obtained from long term study in Australia.