Welcome Back Ceremony
Posted: 11 November 2020
The Australia Awards – Welcome Back Ceremony to honour 21 recently returned alumni who graduated from Australian universities with Masters or PhD qualifications was held on 5 November.
These 21 graduates undertook study programs specialising in a variety of sectors including biotechnology, commerce, development studies, disability and social work, engineering science, health, information and communication technology, and women’s studies. Two graduates gave presentations on their in-Australia experiences including their initial impressions, the academic environment and learning methods, links and networks they established in Australia, and work experience. Employer representatives from the Mongolian Ministry of Education and Science, Bank of Mongolia, Etugen University, and Otgontenger University attended the ceremony, congratulating the graduates and wishing them success in their future contributions to Mongolia’s ongoing development.
Dr Alex Stephens, First Secretary from the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade also congratulated the graduates on their accomplishments in Australia and encouraged them all to expand both their networks and dreams for Mongolia, now they have returned home and can implement their new skills and knowledge. Further, he noted that DFAT is supportive of initiatives from Australia Awards alumni. He highlighted opportunities available to Australia Awards alumni, including the Women’s Leadership Program and its associated activities, such as Community Development Projects; and the Mongolia-Australia Society (the Mozzies) and its networking and professional development opportunities. The Mozzies representative Mr Ts.Lut-Ochir, Chair of Social activities committee introduced the graduates to the alumni association – noting the highly anticipated and competitive Alumni Basketball Challenge is on 7 November 2020 – he invited all alumni to actively participate in this fun activity.
Mrs Enkhtuvshin of Scope Global, provided an overview of the Australia Awards-Mongolia Alumni Engagement Management Plan and reminded the graduates of their Reintegration Plans (developed for their initial Australia Awards Scholarship application) and asked that they review and update their Reintegration Plan based on their newly acquired knowledge and skills, their identified workplace needs, and the current Mongolian context. The graduates noted their enthusiasm, motivation, and willingness to implement their Australian qualifications and experiences in their professional areas for the benefit of Mongolia.